A tooth - finally!

Haven finally has a tooth! I was beginning to think she was never going to get any and I put my finger in her mouth on Wednesday, and there it was! She was so cranky on Monday I didn't know what was wrong with her- that explains it! I've been giving her baby motrin/ibuprofen and that's been helping. She's been a pretty good girl now. Yea! I'm just so excited for her! 10 months and she has her first tooth- I've heard of some children not getting them till they were two, so I am thanful!
This week we had revival services with Evangelist Mark Kitrell at Brookside. They were amazing and God did a work in many lives, including my own. He really convicted me of my lack of love for the lost and gave me a renewed desire and hunger to see them saved. I pray he will use me with my unsaved neighbors, the people I see at the Y, and just the people I come in contact with everyday who don't know Him! I'm so thankful that He loves us even though we fail Him so often and He is patient with us and loves to see us confess sin and make things right with Him! He is so faithful, and the fact that He hasn't come back yet means there is still time for people to be saved! He is patiently waiting for as many as will come to him! He is so unlike us! So, we need to take the opportunity to share Christ with those we come in contact with on a daily basis. He wants to use us and He will despite our weaknesses and failures! He is a great God!
I also enjoyed some fellowship with some moms from our church this week, Amy, Sarah, Cassie, and Tami. It was a great time talking and letting the babies play. We're hoping to start a mom's group that can get together for fellowship and encouragement on a regular basis.
Next week we make our way up to Northland for Heart conference! I am so excited to see so many friends and family up there! It will be a great time! Hope you all have a great weekend!