Spring Break Pictures and an Announcement!
First time in the swing! This is so fun!
Well, I better make the announcement first. This is probably not news to most of you, but we are expecting another baby! Haven is going to be a big sister sometime at the end of September! We are very excited and trusting God and His timing! Everything has gone very well so far. I have had 2 ultrasounds and everything looks great. We will hopefully be finding out what "it" is by sometime in May!
We have enjoyed some gorgeous summer weather. I just had to take advantage of it and be outside as much as possible! Chris and Justin were here for Spring Break and we had a GREAT time! It went too fast! Heston and Kelli also came for a couple of days, Sara and JD came down last weekend, and Van and Loretta and the boys dropped by on Saturday. So, we had a busy and very fun week spending time with everyone! This week we are getting back to normal with the weather and not as many people around! I have been cleaning house mostly. Good ole spring cleaning. I'm hoping to be past the yucky, sleepy stage of pregnancy soon, but so far it's hanging on! It hasn't been too bad, though. God is so good and the youth ministry is going very well. We are going to be meeting in an old school on Wednesday nights starting this next Wed. because we are busting out of our little room at church! Most weeks there are about 100! We are looking forward to a very full and exciting spring and summer with graduations, camp, and a missions trip to name a few. There are many challenges, but God is so faithful to remind us to depend completely on Him for everything we need! I just love this time of year as Easter is drawing close! I am reminded of His incredible love for us and hatred for sin and the answer in sacrificing His Only Son on the cross. I am reading the book of John and it is just incredible to me to see Christ's complete obedience to His Father and how He deflected any glory back to Him. It's challenging to remember that we are commanded to do the same!
Well, I better get going, hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Baby's day out! Samantha, Carson, and Haven!
Well, I better make the announcement first. This is probably not news to most of you, but we are expecting another baby! Haven is going to be a big sister sometime at the end of September! We are very excited and trusting God and His timing! Everything has gone very well so far. I have had 2 ultrasounds and everything looks great. We will hopefully be finding out what "it" is by sometime in May!
We have enjoyed some gorgeous summer weather. I just had to take advantage of it and be outside as much as possible! Chris and Justin were here for Spring Break and we had a GREAT time! It went too fast! Heston and Kelli also came for a couple of days, Sara and JD came down last weekend, and Van and Loretta and the boys dropped by on Saturday. So, we had a busy and very fun week spending time with everyone! This week we are getting back to normal with the weather and not as many people around! I have been cleaning house mostly. Good ole spring cleaning. I'm hoping to be past the yucky, sleepy stage of pregnancy soon, but so far it's hanging on! It hasn't been too bad, though. God is so good and the youth ministry is going very well. We are going to be meeting in an old school on Wednesday nights starting this next Wed. because we are busting out of our little room at church! Most weeks there are about 100! We are looking forward to a very full and exciting spring and summer with graduations, camp, and a missions trip to name a few. There are many challenges, but God is so faithful to remind us to depend completely on Him for everything we need! I just love this time of year as Easter is drawing close! I am reminded of His incredible love for us and hatred for sin and the answer in sacrificing His Only Son on the cross. I am reading the book of John and it is just incredible to me to see Christ's complete obedience to His Father and how He deflected any glory back to Him. It's challenging to remember that we are commanded to do the same!
Well, I better get going, hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Baby's day out! Samantha, Carson, and Haven!
How cute - Haven and her first dolly! Ruth, I'm praying for you that your 'yukky' stage will soon pass =) Wow, your youth group is huge! Guess what? We might become youth leaders at our church, too! Thanks for posting all the pictures
Hey... wow I wish I had time to go on walks and be outside, other then going to classes and the dining hall. It looks so nice! Now that i have been there a few times it is cool, I know whose baby is whose in the pix! How are you doing? This week went so fast! Only 6 more to go! I'll prolly see you again when I head for home! U comin up here anytime b/4 then? I Love U all!
congratulations!!!! so exciting!!! i'll be praying for you!!!
Congratulations, Steve & Ruth!
Hey guys! Congrats on being parents...again!:) We hope that we see you sometime this coming summer. When are you due in September? I am due the 23rd!
that's a cute picture on the top. frameable.
love your pictures!!! haven is such a cutie!!! congratulations! cya sunday!
oh.....and congratulations.
Ruth Hello!! You probably do not remember me, but I attend first Baptist in Pound. I remember some fun talks together in the nursery when you were serving on extension there. I got into your blog through Carissa's. I noticed all the photos of Justin and Chrissy. Knowing them for two years now I feel kind of foolish that I never connected the two of you. Haven is beautiful by the way. Kim Gusick
It's melanie aynes-you're long lost friend from traveling days! Haven is so adorable and congrats on the announcement of having another baby! I'm so excited for you-you guys are such an adorable family and I miss you lots! Hey, I need to get your mailing address to send you an invitation. E-mail me at melanie490@juno.com
Love you!
haha i love the one with the rabbit ears! lol too funnY! :)
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congrats, ruth! I love hearing your updates, and I'm soooo glad God is richly blessing you guys. <333 ya, girl!
Okay, so it's taken me a year to visit your blog again :( But Congrats!!!!! The new bundle will be coming soon! Can't wait to see pics!
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