Haven in the laundry basket! What a cutie!
Well, this past week has been very busy and crazy! It ended with a Junior High sleepover at our house on Friday night. Steve found another place to stay of course. :) The girls and I had a good time although they were completely different than the Senior High. Four of them stayed up all night! I got about 3 hours of sleep, but I am almost completely recovered. That next day was weird, though. I was just a zombie! Then Steve had a teen activity where they went to a Bucks game on Saturday night. They had a good time at that, I stayed home with Haven. This week we are very busy with many different things. I went out with some girls for coffee yesterday, then went to a wedding shower tonight. Tomorrow we have youth group, then Thursday I have a thing in the morning at Panera bread with women from the church, then a counseling session in the afternoon. Then Friday and Saturday is the prophecy conference! So, needless to say, we are trucking right along! Today was Steve's day off so we used it to run errands and get as much done as we could! It was a beautiful day, about 55 degrees at least! God is so good! I'm thankful for this warm weather before the cold long winter months! God has really shown Himself to me lately. I'm sad to say that with the move and all the changes my focus had really gotten off of God and I had just been really distracted. But, God has used the past 4 messages to just work on me and show me that I need Him more than anything! He is keeping me dependent on Him by giving me things that are too hard for me! I know I cannot do it in my own strength. So, I thank Him and praise Him for His work in my life and for not giving up on me. What a Good God He IS! Well, it is getting late and I better get to bed. Good night to all, and remember what an awesome God we have who loves despite the fact that He knows everything about us!

Haven's trying to crawl!

The crazy, cool ninth graders! - and Haven!

Haven riding her horsey- with help, of course!

My crazy junior high girls at the sleepover at my house!

Haven with Alison and Gabrielle at the sleepover! Look at those rosy cheeks!

Haven's not happy... sometimes she does cry, believe it or not!

The bonfire at the hayride

A group of girls at our fall hayride

What a yummy toe!

Haven and her buddy, Samantha Albright! They are about 5 months apart and are going to be the best of friends!